Reap – Repeat (Collections in Sjönevad) is a multidisciplinary work that incorporates music, poems, movement and drawing as a mean to explore our memories and embedded patterns, but also how we can find ways to reach elevation and ecstasy, that might as well be described as a spell. We have been exploring patterns, repetition and layering of the work, as ways to create different types of spell. The group is interested in investigating what makes the spirit and body becoming elevated and go in to trance or ecstasy.
We present our work on July 31st, 18.00 at the event VARDAGSRUMMET, held at Wu Art Space, Sjönevad. (The event is free and open to all)

Alfonso (USA)
Alfonso holds a Master Degree in Fine Arts from Southern Methodist University, Dallas TX, and a Bachelor in Fine Arts from Florida International University, Miami FL.
The qualities of invisibility and visibility become the foundations from which she develops drawings, installations, performances, and videos.
Combi Cats – Diana & Kordian Rönnberg (SWE+POL)
Diana Rönnberg holds a M.F.A in Photography from the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan and
a Ph.D. from the Department of Intermedia course at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Polen.
Larsson (SWE)
Larsson holds a MFA in Performing Arts – Dance from University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA.
Her work is exploring roots, rituals and storytelling, resulting in a contemporary hybrid of many art forms.Through the body she explores intimacy and honesty, between performer and viewer, or performer and specific site