Be-longing, sensorial movement post-Coronavirus
Collaborating artists: Sterling Rook (USA) & Stine Marcinkowski Pettersson (SWE)
Collaborating artists: Sterling Rook (USA) & Stine Marcinkowski Pettersson (SWE)
Title: Be-longing, sensorial movement post-Coronavirus
“Due to the Covid-19 pandemic this Fågelbo collaboration will be done remotely by each participating artist. Visual artist Sterling Rook will be in Miami hosted by the Deering Estate* where he has an ongoing residency, and dance artist Stine Marcinkowski Pettersson will be at Wu Art Space, Falkenberg during their 2.5 weeks residency (16th of July to 2nd of August 2020).
Our thinking is that people all around the world have become disorientated. Disorientation is a starting point. We will investigate how to belong to the world and each other now that our touch and connection have become limited.
We are interested in the idea of using this time to look positively at Mother Earth as a way to be reborn into our world and perhaps reconsider how, why and with what intention we continue to engage with it.
It will be a new challenge for both of us. The opportunity lies in devising ways to collaborate together, which includes both places. This means while being apart in location, time, and space, we will explore the relationships built in sense and movement by creating artwork. We will also lead two workshops from across the globe and manifest our ideas using different objects.
In addition to this technical obstacle, our working themes and ideas will center around how our culture has and likely will continue to change post-Coronavirus, especially in terms of how bodies situate and orient themselves in space, and how we will create human connection in this environment.
Our connecting point is walking—walking will serve as an emancipatory practice. We will engage in a daily walking practice to awaken our senses and experience the local environment in silence. We will share our observations with each other daily and respond creatively.
We will be creating new architectural spaces in the rural environment of WU Art Space and Deering Estate, opening the senses through listening, touch, smell, sight, walking and moving in order to change our body’s connection.
During our first workshop we will invite the local artists and community to share our practice. The second workshop will be informed by and developed from the first.
Our collaborative work will end with an official presentation on the 1st of August at WU Art Space at 5 pm (Swedish time) and 11 am (Miami time).” /Stine & Sterling
Photo credits: Jepovig
Danskonstnären Stine Marcinkowski Pettersson och bildkonstnären Sterling Rook har residens på Wu ArtSpace i juli och erbjuder i samband med det 2 workshops där de delar med sig av sin konstnärliga process och praktik. Under VARDAGSRUMMET 1/8 har de en presentation som de arbetat med under residenset. Sterling medverkar digitalt då han inte kan resa från USA p.g.a Covid-19.
“Vår tanke är att människor över hela världen har blivit desorienterade under pandemin. Desorientering är en utgångspunkt. Vi kommer att undersöka hur vi kan tillhöra världen och varandra nu när vår beröring och kontakt med andra har blivit begränsad.”
Funding for this project is provided in part by the Knight Foundation, Region Halland/Kultur i Halland, Konstnärsnämnden and WU ArtSpace